It has been quite a while since I have stopped by. My friend recommended that I put a message on the blog that says, “Gone Fishing. See you in the Fall!”
As you may have guessed, my blog hiatus was due to the busyness of life and more specifically, summer!
The kids finished T ball and then started soccer. We have had play dates, VBS, and most recently a week with my sister and her family from Minnesota. It is always the best week of our summer, and this year did not disappoint!
I have many, many pictures to share and will have to do so a little at a time! Our first adventure was our annual trip to Seabreeze amusement park in Rochester. The 15 of us have such a great time there. I have written about my love for this place before, but I’ll say it again! Seabreeze is a wonderful place to go for families with any age children! This is something for everyone there and it is small enough to easily do everything in a day!
Here are a few pictures from our day starring my kids, my nieces Aubrey and Natalie, and my nephews Evan and Ryan.
I LOVE this picture of Brady and Ryan! Evan and Ryan take SUCH good care of their younger cousins. Brady was holding on for dear life and Ryan was holding him so tightly!
And how sweet is Allie blowing kisses at us! She was such a good girl. Did I mention we were there from 10:30am to 10pm?
My four goofballs. I’m so proud!
We actually did the waterpark first. We packed lunches and were able to eat right in the waterpark at a few picnic tables in the shade. It was awesome and another big reason why I love Seabreeze more than Darien Lake.
How funny are my boys kind of chasing each other down the waterslide!
What a great day! The kids were awesome for all 12+ hours of fun. There was a ton more fun planned for the week. More to come!