Monday, December 6, 2010

I Would Love to be a Rockette

Stop laughing!

Where am I going with all of this?

It was just a good lead in to this post, that's where! I've been away from the blog for several days because of a few things. The first being that I was sick last week. I had the old stuffy nose, sinus pain, hacking cough, achy bones and chills-type-thing that is going around. I was still functional but cut out many extra curricular activities for a few days, including blogging:)

The kids had milder versions of this cold throughout the week, but we all seem to be feeling better now.

So back to the Rockettes. A while back my mom asked me if I wanted to tag along on one of her bus trips that she escorts quite often First Choice Travel. She travels all over the US, usually on longer trips, but she was going to be taking a group to NYC for just two days. The city at Christmastime is always amazing, so I took her up on her offer. By the way, if anyone is counting, I have been away from home for two consecutive weekends. This doesn't feel like my life?!?

We had a really good time doing all of the traditional Christmas stops in NYC. We saw Rockefeller Center complete with the 75 foot tree and ice skaters. We walked to Central Park, stopping along the way at Trump Tower, St. Patrick's, and to do some window shopping. Ever the cheapskate, I decided that we should not indulge the $50+ for 20 minutes in a horse-drawn carriage. Instead, we got 40 minutes for $40 in a rickshaw peddled by the sweetest 20-something from Ireland. It certainly was an experience. He wasn't a very large guy, so we had our doubts, but he did manage to take us all around lower Central Park and give us some NYC facts (1/2 of which were completely made up). We spent most of the time laughing and huddling together for warmth, but it was a priceless memory for sure!

Okay, finally the part about the Rockettes! Sunday morning we went to Radio City Music Hall to see their Christmas Spectacular show starring those amazing Rockettes! Honestly, if I had the body, skill, and a completely different life, I think it would be amazing to be one of them! Throughout the entire show you just sit there and marvel at it all. This is the 2nd time I have seen it and if I could I would see it every year for the rest of my life! Those girls work hard and are so great at what they do! Mom and I had to sit in completely different sections of the theater. My seat was unbelievable. I was sitting in the 3rd mezzanine, the very top, in the very last row, dead center. I could see everything perfectly, including the different sections of the stage moving up and down. The show concludes with a Living Nativity that is just breathtaking. What a way to start the Christmas season.

We spent the rest of yesterday at Macy's and then of course, traveling home to a snowy Genesee County. I was very ready to be home and missed my kids like crazy. They had spent Saturday with Grandma and Grandpa going to get a Christmas tree, meeting Santa, and then helping decorate the tree. Yesterday Matt got them all up and out the door to church. That is no easy job. What a guy!

Today we are just spending the day lounging around and getting caught up on some things. I might spend some time practicing my kick line:) Okay, now you can laugh.

1 comment:

  1. hi i am a lurker but i HAVE to smile with you on this one! I grew up watching the rockettes on the macys' day parade. My mother (though deluded) always told me i could do that if i kept up with my dancing. Ok here is my point I am 5 feet tall with the shortest legs ever. But hey i can dream.. would love to see them live. Happy Holidays. Rachel


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