Eli: "Dear Jesus. Thank you for my daddy, my mommy, Brady, Cara, and Allie. Thank you for our wonderful day."
"Oh, and thank you for the candy canes that mommy will give me for Christmas. Amen."
Okay buddy. Point taken:)

I think that my four little turkeys enjoyed themselves today.
We started our day by watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and putting up our Christmas tree.
We got all dressed up, took a quick nap, and then headed off to grandma’s for dinner.
The food was great…
But the time with family was even better.
It’s hard not to look around our Thanksgiving table and be thankful.
Thankful for health. Thankful for the blessing of children. Thankful for our family. Thankful for our Savior and for His continued love for us.
Have you counted your blessings today?
Can you guess the story behind this picture?
Better yet, can you guess the WHO involved in the story behind this picture?
A certain child of mine calls scotch tape, sticky tape.
And this certain child often stumbles upon the sticky tape and has a little fun pulling it so that 5-10 feet of it is stretched out and twisted up in a big sticky wad.
Which brings me to this story.
This darling child of mine came to me in the living room yesterday and said, “Mommy, I didn’t pull out the sticky tape on your table. I didn’t!”
Besides the fact that this child was lying through her teeth right to my face, I found this admission of non guilt very cute and certainly hilarious. Before going to investigate what had happened, of course I went and got my camera.
And do you know what I found?
This cute, I mean guilty, little face!
I know, I know. It isn’t even Thanksgiving yet.
But my schedule allowed for a little time to start the process of Christmas decorating!
I decided to start a new tradition this year. I set up a tiny tree in our dining room and told the kids that it would be “their tree.” I bought some tiny ornaments and they helped me decorate it this afternoon.
They could barely contain their excitement as they got to hang each little ornament. It was all going perfectly until Allie saw the white ball ornaments that I had bought. She picked one up and shouted, “Look mommy, little eyeballs!”
Oh my, I laughed so hard my belly hurt.
After we hung up all of the tiny stockings, cupcakes, and even eyeballs, we had nothing left to do but turn off the light and enjoy the pretty glow.
You may not agree, but I think a little Christmas cheer a week or so ahead of schedule is a great thing:)
I really love my house.
It’s not big. In fact, I’ve had some ask me, “How do you fit everyone and everything in that little cracker jack box?”
It’s not small either. It’s one of those houses that looks small from the outside. I like that about my house. I always think that it looks like a cozy place that I would like to hang out in. Lucky for me, I can!
Long ago, I used to really doubt if God was truly working out the details of my life. I never really saw the great “connecting of the dots” that other Christians would describe where they were certain that God was working things out in their lives for good. Of course in the past 4 years I have come to realize that God most certainly is at work in my life. He is there in big ways and small ways! Big ways like when my mom was battling cancer for the 2nd time and I was pregnant with triplets. I have shared this part of my life with a few women’s groups when I have given my testimony. There is no doubt that God orchestrated His timing so perfectly for my family and I during that time. And then there was the time my son had cancer. Certainly I can’t deny His presence and provision then! But those are the big things.
I love it when I am able to see God at work in the little things. This little house of mine comes to mind when I think of God at work in the details. When Matt and I bought this house back in 2005, we decided that we had better add on a large kitchen, expand some closets, and make another full bathroom upstairs. Little did we know that 3 years later we would have 4 kids and need space for them and all of their stuff. We had the perfect little niche in the kitchen that fit 3 highchairs side by side. My house has some odd window openings between rooms. I can’t tell you how many times a day I look through the window from the kitchen to the playroom to check on things! When we bought the house we thought that the 3 bedrooms would perfectly accommodate the 2 or 3 children we planned on having. Now we have a plan for a boys room and a girls room with a bathroom in between. Maybe God had this house in mind for us all along. He knew what was coming in our lives:)
This house certainly isn’t perfect. One issue that we have had since we had our children was the lack of a functional mudroom. We have a very small mudroom that has a stairway leading to the basement right when you walk in. It was never safe to have the kids coming in and out that way when they were very little, and the tiny closet made for absolutely no room to move. So, we have always used the door off of the kitchen as our main entrance and exit. This consists of a 2X3 rug, a shoe basket, and a set of hooks on the wall. As the kids have grown and have more “stuff” coming and going with them, I have grown increasingly annoyed when I find the 6 of us all standing on the 2x3 rug at once, trying to get out shoes off. It just wasn’t working.
I had big ideas that would solve this problem. First, we would build another addition off the back of the house. We could design this great mudroom with lockers and benches for the kids. While we were at it, I would love a pantry and of course, we should move our laundry to the first floor. Yes, a little addition would be perfect!
My always-frugal husband however, quickly reminded me that on one salary, this was not going to happen. We put this on our “maybe someday when you go back to work list,” and Matt got to work rethinking our not-functional mudroom.
And…the mudroom redesign is working out great! I wish we would have taken pictures all along, but I never considered this space photo-worthy until now! It is the simple joys that really make my day…like hooks, and cubbies, and a place for things when we walk in the door!
Matt installed hooks pretty much everywhere. Some are so high that I can’t reach them, but he can! Some are at adult level, others are low enough for the kids to reach.
The small wall space going down to the basement is where Matt hung a shoe rack for my shoes. He puts his on the landing going down the steps.
Matt’s idea to just take off the front wall of the closet and remove the doors was awesome. He extended the stair with a low bench that provides a place for small buns to sit while they get their shoes on and off. There is storage underneath for Allie’s shoes.
On the other side are cubbies for the big kids’ shoes. Boots are on the top, and each child has their own row of cubbies.
Thank you honey for your hard work. I promise to put my “grand addition” dreams on the back burner for a few years. And thank you God for always providing…even the small things;)
Eeek! I’ve been completely absent from blog land for a few days! I’m sure you understand that sometimes a girl’s real life is just too consuming to allow the time for blogging:)
I’ve been super busy with Tastefully Simple these past few weeks. Many of my wonderful customers are having some terrific parties in time for the holidays. It is a good problem to have, but needless to say I’ve been burning my already weary candle at both ends.
Today we spent some special time with our honorary Grandma Lynn and Grandpa Wes. They are just about to head south for the winter, and my kids and I will sure miss them. Something tells me we just may be seeing them in a couple of months. Hmmm…any guesses?
Of course the kids were so excited when Grandma Lynn gave them their Christmas present a little early. She told them that there was just one present, but 4 things were inside. Well, the kids sure figured out that the only way to get to their own gifts was to tear that package open fast!
Inside the kids found 4 super cool dress up hats. Just like that, they worked out whose hat was whose.
Yes, Grandma Lynn hit the nail on the head with these gifts. There is no lack of imagination in this house:)
Photos courtesy of Kristen Hamm Photography
2 Corinthians 5:7 For we walk by faith and not by sight
Psalm 127: 3-5 Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him.
Ecclesiastes 3:11 He has made everything beautiful! (This is the kids’ memory verse for Sunday school. There is a lot of talk about God, creation, and beauty in our home lately!)
Proverbs 15:13 A happy heart makes the face cheerful.
1 John 14:19 We love because He first loved us.