Friday, October 15, 2010

1 Millimeter

The oncologist called tonight and gave us an interesting report. "The Spot" as we call it (the tiny piece of tumor left in Brady's spine) has not changed since his surgery in April of 2009. Today's scans show a 1 milimeter increase in its size. The oncologist and the radiologist are not concerned and are theororizing that the 1 milimeter difference is due to Brady's position as the scan was taken.

We will have to wait until Wednesday when the urine results come in to be absolutely sure that no tumor is growing. If the urine levels are higher than last time, that would indicate the presence of active Neuroblastoma. The oncologist is quite confident that all is fine.

1 milimeter. Such a tiny measurement can cause quite a stir in my heart. I know most of you don't know the significane of a relapse of Neuroblastoma, and quite honestly, I don't even understand all of it. I do know that it would instantly plummet Brady's chance at long term survival.

My prayer is that God will not allow this 1 milimeter to deter my faith, that His mighty hand will be on this 1 milimeter and make it nothing more than an inaccurate scan. Thank you for your prayers for Brady. I'm calling all of our faithful prayer warriors to join us in praying that this spot is nothing at all.


  1. Praying.

    May you feel the presence of our Heavenly Father and find comfort.


  2. I am praying, as requested, that it is an inaccurate scan. Thank you for updating and I hope despite the report, God can gift you with a solid sleep tonight Megan. M x

  3. I, too, am hoping that it is a scan issue. You are in my prayers during these stressful days.

  4. praying for peaceful days btwn now and wednesday and praying for no growth. ((HUGS))

  5. Praying and praying that the 1 millimeter was just due to Brady's position during the scan. Praying for peace for you while waiting for the urine results to come back Wednesday. Sending all of you many, many hugs and prayers.

  6. You got it Meg. I really hope it is nothing.

  7. I read both your hospital experience- which indeed... it does suck. The I read about the 1 millimeter... and I am continuing to pray for the urine results. I am sorry you, Matt and Brady have to go through all of this. You are an amazing family and you are an inspiration to all who follow your story and your faithfulness. God Bless. Know we are here if you need anything.

    The Napoleone's


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