Thursday, February 18, 2010

3 Days to Go!

Okay, this momma is officially starting to flip out a bit! Three days to go and I have a lot left to do! I'm starting to feel really stressed as I try and get everything for everyone packed and accounted for.

Can you guess what is in this suitcase?

I'll tell you at the end of this post:)

Today's events kind of confirmed what I already feared. Sweet Allie has carsickness...bad! She had her 15 month appointment today, which is about a 40 minute drive away. About 20 minutes into our drive, she threw up all over. I felt terrible as I watched her become nauseous after only about 5 minutes, and then try so hard to fight it off. By the time we got to our appointment, she was her happy self again. She did a great job with the doctor! Her height and weight are in the 75th percentile and she is meeting or exceeding all of the developmental milestones. Unfortunately the doctor could hear her heart defect (VSD) again. She had thought it resolved itself since it was undetectable at her last appointment. The doctor assured me that this is a common problem, and that we are fine in waiting until our March appointment with the cardiologist. Of course the next topic of conversation was the car sickness. She didn't have many suggestions at first, but got on her laptop and found that they make SeaBands for toddlers, so I'm going to order some of those. I brought up the fact that I still have some of the very wonderful, and quite expensive medication Zofran that we gave Brady while on chemotherapy for nausea. She researched a dose that would be appropriate for Allie, and although this is not what the medicine is usually intended for, since I have it in the cabinet, she was okay with me giving it a try. Then about 10 minutes into our drive home, she threw up again.
You can imagine we are concerned about Allie on our trip. Just in the first day alone there will be a 40 minute ride in a car, 3 hour plane ride, 35 minute van ride, and then another 35 minute ride in a van. Then of course riding the monorail at Disney and all of the rides. I'm hoping with a few of these ideas to help with the nausea that poor Allie will be able to enjoy herself:(

So far I have three bags packed and a lot more stuff to find a place for! Oh yes, speaking of bags...this is what is filling one whole suitcase...

Diapers and wipes for 4 kids x 7 days=a whole suitcase full!


  1. Megan,
    Have you considered buying diapers and wipes (and anything else along those lines) in Florida? Also, do you plan on doing a load or two of laundry at the hotel? Then you won't have to pack as much and you won't come home with several suitcases full of dirty laundry. One other thing...take a partially empty suitcase so you have room to pack all of your souvenirs for the return trip! Have fun!

  2. I did consider this, and was actually going to do it. I am using a grocery service for a few food staples, but figure that since each of the triplets can have a suitcase that I can just pack of them with diapers/wipes. I'm saving quite a bit of money doing it this way. If I run short on suitcase space though, I might be changing my mind again!
    Thanks for the tip:)

  3. You might want to spread out the diapers and wipes into seperate bags - in case the suitcase gets lost. Don't get too stressed about packing. The only important thing you need is yourselves - anything else you forget you can always by there.

  4. Your diaper/wipe suitcase can be the suitcase for bringing home treasures from Disney! And I'm with you that if you have the luggage allowance to cope, take it with you then you don't have to worry about it. We do when we travel!

    We also love Zofran. The Doctor had me on it when I was pregnant with Master 3-1/3 as I had morning sicknesses and constant vomiting day and night for 9 months - including on the delivery table! G has also been on it repeatedly as her muscular weaknesses impact on her oesphageaus (or however it is spelt) and when she was little, she'd get any type of gag reflex happening, she'd vomit until she was hospitalised for dehydration. Enter Zofran and no hospitalisations since!!!

    Master 3-1/3 had a dose this week for a vomiting bug and it gave him 24 hours before he needed the next dose. Go the Zofran and yes, it is a terrific medicine. God Bless its makers!

    Praying for restful sleep, carsick free travel for everyone and a terrific holiday.

  5. Meg, Your doing a great job! Its going to be worth it and when the kids look back...they are going to know what a wonderful thoughtful Mommy you are!-Love, Chris

  6. HA! I guessed it right! I agree taking at least some of your own supplies is better-you don't need the stress of trying to find a store right away when you get to your vaca destination!
    And don't you fret about that little Allie-there's gonna be a whole contingency of us praying over her little pukie problem! Let's everybody put that child on our prayer chains!

  7. You guys crack me up! Adding the comments and emails I've received in a few hours, I have had a total of 11 messages about the diaper/wipes issue! How wonderful to have so many worried about even the tiniest details! I'm still working on packing...I have a long way to go! And Cindy---I have tears in my eyes after reading that you will be praying for Allie..I was just in her room praying over her asking God to heal her tiny heart and to help settle her tummy for this trip. How great that He cares for the big and little things in our lives:)


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