This post comes to you a little later than promised! The party was a huge success, a wonderful time of celebration, and a whole lot of work:)
Our morning started off with muffins complete with birthday candles and time to open presents with just mommy and daddy!
The kids spotted the pile of presents before they sat down to eat…I’ve never seen Brady devour breakfast faster!
Cara was thrilled with her Snow White set and necklace organizer (can you say girly girl?)
Eli loved his Super Why and his new Pat Pat Rocket (both are favorites from Eli’s cartoon line up. The kid LOVES cartoons!)
Brady loved Eli’s presents the best, but also liked his pretend gas pump and ABC floor puzzle (note to self---for next year, get the boys similarly themed presents to avoid present-envy!)
The rest of the day we prepared for the big bash. We had 30 people coming over at 4pm. Food had to be prepared, decorations finished, tables and chairs set up, and 4 children needed to be restrained from completely trashing the house!
It was finally time for the party and kids couldn’t be more excited!
Let the party begin!!!
The tables were set with plaid, cow print, and bandanas. Each table had licorice lassos and cow tales for guests young and old to enjoy!

Grandma Kathy worked for hours to create a Western Town for our 9 tiny party guests to enjoy!
I had no idea what a livery was, but learned that is where horses and livestock were kept in the good old days:)
Instead of a Saloon, we had Cara’s Cafe complete with window boxes and curtains (obviously the love for party details was inherited from my momma!)
And finally we had Brady’s lockup complete with jail bars and a set of keys to keep any outlaws in order!
Our little house never ceases to amaze me. We crammed these three enormous boxes into the back hallway and the kids had a ball playing in this out of the way spot! Of course we couldn’t access the basement stairs until after the party:) Now how am I going to convince the kids that these boxes are not permanent fixture in our home?
Each of our tiny party guests received a Sheriff star with their name when they arrived.
Before the party we headed outside for some pictures. Once again April 24th proved to be a beautiful day!
I purchased the triplets’ shirts from a store on etsy. If you haven’t checked out etsy yet, what are you waiting for? Heather at Sew Seamingly Sassy did a great job creating personalized Western birthday shirts. The 3’s on their shirts were a red bandana print and each child’s name was embroidered in a blue lasso font over top. I just LOVED them!
And who couldn’t feel a little bad for the only Williams child not getting presents yesterday? It’s got to be tough to be the non-triplet:)
And to think we started this family only 3 years ago!!!
It was wonderful to have Matt’s great grandma and her husband here to celebrate with us!
And the birthday crew…
Eli Matthew Williams who was born into our family first. Our sweet, sensitive, quirky, vegetable-loving, sleepyhead, skinny, handsome, TV-watching, Snuffy-snuggling, perfect little boy.

Cara Kathleen Williams was our tiny little middle triplet. Born just over 4 pounds, you would never know now that she was once the smallest in our group. She’s our sassy, loving, nurturing, independent, girly, musical, mommy following, sometimes fearful, always ready for fun, perfect little girl.

Brady Andrew Williams was our baby triplet, but was a leader from the start. He’s our charming, bossy, silly, ticklish, cookie-eating, often demanding, kiss-giving, cancer-beating, perfect little boy.
Remember the boy at last year’s birthday who had to hold onto things to steady himself just weeks after his 2nd surgery?
Matt said it best when he prayed before dinner, thanking God for the year of healing that we have had. Amen!
Of course there was yummy food! We ate out of pie plates and drank out of mason jars.
Then it was time for dessert! Baking is SO not my thing, but I think that TOPS did a great job:)
And of course we try and make Eli, Cara, and Brady feel that we are celebrating each of their individual birthdays that just all happen to be on the same day.
One of my happiest memories of the day was watching the kids as we sang Happy Birthday to each of them one at a time. As we sang to Eli, Cara and Brady smiled and sang right along, but you could see the anticipation as they waited for their turn. By the time we sang to Cara, Brady was just wiggling in his chair as we sang. He even tapped his fingers on the table as he sang. Then it was his turn and he just smiled as we sang one last time!
Finally the kids got to create their own trail mix in a bucket to take home. Yum!
Three great kids and one really fun party! Thank you to all who came and shared this special memory with us. Happy trails from this blessed, tired, already thinking about next year’s party, happy it’s over, but sad they’re getting SO big….mommy!