Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Confession

Hi my name is Megan and I am admitting that I have spread myself way too thin these past few weeks. In an effort to try and do everything I want to do and meet the needs of my family, I'm running from morning until night!!! Unfortunately that means things like computer time and blogging are at a bare minimum! After Sunday life should resume as normal, which is still crazy but a much more manageable level of insanity:)

Please stand by....
ps..and I apologize to two of the people who commented on the blog in the last few days and don't see their comments up. In the midst of being some what frantic lately, I accidentally hit "Delete" rather than "Publish" and think that I have lost your comments forever. I'm sorry!

1 comment:

  1. Time to take care of yourself, Megan. We will be here!


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