Sunday, December 13, 2009

Calling All Christmas Angels!

Well friends, I have yet another child who needs our help! You may be thinking, "Enough already Megan, haven't we heard enough about these depressing stories?" My answer: I'll never stop caring about and sharing with you about children who are suffering in our world. God calls us all to be "sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble (1 Peter 3:8)." It is depressing, but until you face life and death with a child, you can never know how much it means to have the compassion of others to lift your spirits. There are no guarantees in this life, any of us could be in this sitauation tomorrow, and we wouldn't want those around us turnig away because our story was too sad. So...

There is an 8 year old boy who lives in Ohio who is dying of brain cancer. I heard about this boy from my father in law who somehow heard about him at work. He would like to receive Christmas cards to help lift his spirits during this time of year. Here is his information:
Nathan Eldrid
2415 Taylor Blair Rd
West Jefferson, OH 43162

Thank you all for sharing your Christmas joy with a precious boy. Just imagine if this was your child's last Christmas with you...

Wishing you all a blessed week


  1. There is such an epidemic of cancer out there...Children should not have to deal with this disease.
    Have you heard any more about Kyler?
    Thinking of you and the 4 imps,

  2. A.-
    If you google Kyler Van Nocker you will see that the story has been picked up by many newspapers and online sources. I do see that there is also some sort of website with a paypal donation option set up. I'm hoping to hear an update soon!


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