Saturday, June 27, 2009

Out to Dinner

Tonight the Williams family went out to dinner! Well, kind of...

We loaded the trio into the wagon and Allie into her stroller and walked to the "other side of town." Remember in our little town with only one stop light, that is about one mile. I told the kids we were going to get french fries, to which they replied, "Walk to Donalds (Mc Donalds)?" We picked up Grandma on the way and ended up at Alli's Cones and Dogs, a cute little counter service place new to our town. We sat outside and enjoyed hot dogs, burgers, fries, and of course ice cream on the way home. Oscar the Grouch dined with us too (Brady)! It seems in a family with 4 small kids, someone is always in a bad mood. It was fun despite the crabbiness!

Eli wanted to wear his sunglasses!

Summer is for ice cream!

Don't forget to check out the sign up for our Alex's Lemonade Stand! CLICK HERE


  1. Sounds like a great time. LOL, kids hear french fries and they immediately thing of McD's. Where did Allie's and cones open up?

  2. Beautiful pictures, and yes when you have several children there is liable to be a cranky one in the bunch. So glad to see that you are all getting out together more often. I continue to pray for you all daily. Take care.

  3. Meg,
    The Sczudlo's would like to work the stand on Monday during the parade 10-12 if it is still open. It will be Pete, Kearyn & myself and we can bring an extra set of hands. If someone else wants to work with us you'll have to let them know what I am like...hee hee!I will bring lemonade and lemon pound cake.


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