Friday, September 18, 2009

Day 1 - 1 Matt, 4 kids

So my lovely wife informed me that I should keep blogging while she is in New Mexico. So far so good. No major bleeding, concussions, or broken bones. I've had my fair share of handling these monkeys by myself, just never for three days in a row. To my knowledge no one has. So leave it to this fearless warrior to take on these kids armed only with diapers, toys, and food. Truth be told I really don't sweat stuff like this. I'm actually looking forward to spending some quality time with my amazing children.

Every day some really funny things are said in this house. I thought I would leave you with a few of today's good ones. Brady was walking around with a Snow White sticker. Cara went over to him and said, "No it's Cara's. Cara is a girl and that's a princess sticker so it's Cara's. Yeah." Brady, blown away by her logic, just gave her the sticker without a fight. Later when we were praying for mommy's safe flight Cara said, "Mommy is on a plane to see Julie." Then Brady yelled at the top of his lungs while jumping, "Mommy is in the clouds RIGHT NOW!"

Signing off,



  1. How cute! Enjoy your time with your children!

  2. Have a great adventure this weekend Matt, your kids are truly amazing, and most fathers never get the opportunity to find that out. You are blessed. Prayers continue.

  3. Awesome!!! You are such a great Dad Matt!

  4. Matt, you're great! I hope you all have an awesome weekend! :o)


  5. Many dads would be paralyzed with fear...I'm glad that you are not. Have a good weekend with your munchkins!


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