After all the hassle, all the phone calls...we are HERE! We arrived at 2pm and got to the Ronald House by 3pm. Brady did great on the airplane and fell asleep in the cab (too cute!) His first impression when we got out of the cab was to say "beep" in repsonse to all of the car horn's honking. He then quickly noticed all of the pigeons and people walking their dogs.
The Ronald House is on East 73rd between York and First Avenue. Our room is bare, but very livable. We had to go and get some basic necessities (paper towels, kleenex, antibacterial wipes) so we took a walk South towards Sloan. We had dinner at a little diner and then found a very well equipped pharmacy. We came back to the Ronald and played in their basement playroom which Brady enjoyed a lot! Right now I am sitting in the window area of our room looking up at the tall buildings rising all around us...quite a contrast from home!
Some EXCITING NEWS! In the last few days Brady has been enjoying standing on his own more and more. He will do it for 3-10 seconds at a time and then fall forward laughing. I have been encouraging him to try and take steps and just a few minutes ago he took two solid steps before falling! He insists on wearing bunny ears while doing this, but we'll take it! It really stinks that now we are headed into another surgery and I'm sure he will regress a little again. But, I'm so glad he is gaining confidence!
My frustration with getting times for our appointments tomorrow continues. We have to be at the hospital at 8am for an 11am CAT scan. They told me he needs to drink contrast (that should go over well) before the scan. Of course he can't eat or drink in the morning. I guess we don't have appointments with Dr. Laquaglia, the oncologist, or the spinal surgeon. Apparently we will have to just sit and wait for them to be available. We have no choice, that is what we have to do.
Please be praying tonight for:
1. Brady to have an easy time with the anesthesia tomorrow for the CAT scan. Last time he had that strange fever the night after his test and we were in the hospital for 3 days.
2. That Brady will stay content throughout the long day tomorrow as we wait to talk to the doctors.
3. Pray for our parents at home caring for Eli, Cara, and Allie. Having full time duty of 2 two year olds and a 5 month old is not easy!
I feel so far away tonight, but I'm so glad we can all keep in touch through the blog. Until tomorrow...